Lauren & Steven

May 28, 2022

Welcome to our wedding website, we can’t wait to celebrate our special day with you!

We’ve created this website as a convenient and interactive way to share all of the important details with you in the lead up to our wedding weekend!

You can also read more about our love story, get to know our awesome bridal party, and check out all you have to look forward to seeing and doing during your time in Donegal!

So have fun, take a look around and don’t forget to RSVP! There will be a formal invitation to follow but RSVPing here will help us in planning an amazing weekend for all!

Finally – thank you for your ongoing love and support. We are so excited to share this day with you and look forward to celebrating with all of our favorite people in our most favorite place ☘️

♡ Lauren & Steven

Our Story

Our love story began in NYC, back in 2016. Lauren tagged along with her coworker who was meeting up with a couple of guys she was friends with who had recently moved over to NYC from Ireland. Lauren and Steven ended up chatting the night away and hitting it off but neither of them were looking for anything at the time. A few months later Steven randomly messaged Lauren on Facebook, some flirtatious banter was exchanged back and forth and they made plans to go on a date that Friday. They ended up meeting up at the same pub they had originally met at a few months earlier. Lauren had plans to head away early the next morning for a weekend at the beach with her college friends. In an effort to be polite and mannerly Lauren told Steven he was more than welcome to come. The last thing she imagined was Steven saying yes to a weekend away with a girl he hardly knew and her group of friends but being the happy-go-lucky guy that he is did he not say “ Awk sure why not, we’ll just swing by my apartment on the way to grab my swimming trunks” . Lauren spent the two hour trip out to the beach in complete panic trying to figure out how she was going to explain to her group of friends who this random Irish guy was that she was showing up with unannounced. Unsurprisingly, Steven hit it off with all of Lauren’s friends and they had the best weekend ever. The two have been inseparable ever since that first date (weekend) 5+ years ago. Everyone still jokes to this day how Lauren and Steven hold the record for the longest first date of all time!


Aine Doherty

Lauren and I met at Loyola University in 2009. We talked about our parents being from Ireland during our first conversation and knew we had an instant connection. We’d spend nights laughing about memories growing up Irish American and crying about how we’d miss our loved ones across the pond! From there, our bond grew deeply over the years. We spent time visiting Tyrone and Derry together and lived in Astoria for a year after college. There are so many more big memories together, but it’s the little conversations and constant laughter that are even more memorable ❤️❤️

Stephany Olivieri

Lauren and I met in high school through mutual friends who heard we were going to the same college and knew right away we would hit it off. From the moment I met Lauren we instantly connected and it was clear that we had so many things in common. Our friendship has been one of my greatest joys in life. We have traveled to many different places together and experienced all of life’s ups and downs and I truly am so thankful to be part of her and Stevens story. I like to think God brought us together because he knew how much we were meant for each other. Steven is one of my absolute favorite people on this planet and I’m so excited to watch the rest of their lives unfold!

Erin Murphy

It’s hard to believe it has been over 10 years since Lauren and I met at Loyola. We were lucky enough to live on the same floor freshman year, naturally hit it off, and the rest is history. The memories we share from those 4 years are unforgettable, and sometimes unbelievable haha, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Over the years, we’ve continued to experience so much together. Countless nights out, weekend getaways, and milestone celebrations. It’s been an ongoing joke that Lauren & Steven’s first date has yet to end and I consider myself lucky to have witnessed their journey so far. I can’t wait to be a part of their biggest milestone yet!

Bridget White

Lauren and I met our freshman year at Loyola in one of our Speech Pathology classes, which we both majored in and now have nothing to do with. We quickly became best friends and were roommates our junior and senior years of college, often going for happy hours, binge watching our shows, sharing clothes and hanging out with our other best friends – many of who are standing up here today. Fast forward ~10 years and we are still best friends enjoying much of the same things – happy hours in the city, chatting about the latest shows, sending each other each and every outfit idea and still hanging out with the same.exact.people. It is because of Lauren that I have this group of close friends; she is the warmest and most welcoming person someone can come across and I am lucky to have her as a best friend! Honored to stand next to her and Steven on their wedding day and even more excited that I don’t have to give a speech!

Gemma McCahill

Lauren is marrying my brother Steven so I met her 5 years ago. Since then we have enjoyed many happy hours, trips to beach and parties in New York. She is such a kind, warm soul and definitely a perfect match for Steven! Looking forward to many more trips and parties in New York and at home! Honored to be standing here today!!

Mary Devlin

My name is Mary Devlin, and Lauren is my cousin-in-law, sista for life, and one of my best, best friends. We met shortly after I started dating her cousin (& my now husband), and we became instant friends! After some questioning, she determined I would a good match for her best cousin Ry, and made sure that he made our relationship official in the basement of Parker House, while holding their infamous $1 bud lights. From that moment I knew Lauren and I would always be a part of each other’s lives forever, which makes it so fitting that I will be standing beside her as she marries her best friend in May. Our good times are endless- from trips to Nashville, to singing karaoke together, and numerous game nights- there is never a dull moment with Lauren Woods! Roll on May 28th, can’t wait for the party of the century!!

Beth Armstrong

Beth is Lauren’s friend from childhood and beyond. The two met at Immaculate Conception pre-school when they were 3 years old. They were partners in crime at first sight, as Lauren was always convincing them to get into some sort of trouble for a good laugh. From little girls all the way to basically living together during all of their college breaks, lauren and beth have too many amazing memories to count and are looking forward to many more.

Shanagh Woods

I have known Lauren basically my whole life. Lauren is my younger cousin (closest American girl cousin to me), amazing friend, style expert, and all around amazing person! She’s also one of the most hysterical people you will ever meet and hands down has the best sense of humor of anyone I’ve ever met! I’ve done my fair share of torturing her into playing sports or getting her into insane activities with me, whether she wanted to or not. That’s just how she is, she is always fun and ready for an adventure! We both love a good party and this wedding is going to be the best one yet!

Steven, you are a true gem and I am so happy for you both. We love having you in our lives, you bring us all so much joy.
I’m so happy to be included in something that means so much to you both. Cheers to a lifetime of health, love and good times!


Peter McNelis

It feels like I’ve known Steven my whole life, playing football for hours on his lawn every Saturday, car rides to watch Donegal play and running around the Corner House.

Even when we left Ardara for college to different cities, it was a rare occasion if we didn’t make time to see each other at the weekends.

Indeed one of the reasons I moved back to New York City in 2016 is because Steven had decided to make the move himself and I knew the “spoofing” would be too much craic to miss.

The first house in Queens has a lot of great memories and Lauren was a constant figure in the apartment in those early days. May 28 will come fast for you guys and I can’t wait to celebrate in style back in Donegal!

Pauric McGill

Earliest memories is the two of us in play school up at the community center in Ardara!

We became good friends thru football early on but moving to the states we became family, couldn’t have done it with a better man.

NY being the expensive beast it is myself and McCahill had to share a room for the first 6 months! This move led to many’s a sleepless night..and not just because we partied hard..most of it was because of McCahill’s snoring! 😂

One of my favorite memories of Steven is rapping every word of Colt 45 Afroman in Stones street.

You have met a great woman in Lauren who’s managed to tame Steven, you make a great couple and will make an amazing married couple! Wishing you both health and happiness in the future!

Anthony Slowey

I have known Steven (Wee Steve) as long as I have known anyone. Our families have always had a strong connection and bond that was solidified on those races to Mosney on our family holidays. Though the McCahills would always leave first, we would catch them when they naturally had to stop at McDonalds in Enniskillen!

Over the years we have created hilarious memories, particularly our J1 Summer to Montauk in 2012. Thinking back now, you wouldn’t think that a summer of pooling our money together in order to have enough to buy cans, listening to Steve’s snoring while we slept on a deflated mattress in a local family’s basement and sharing a single bike to work, would be the best summer of my life, but it was.

We’ve grown up together, played football together and even managed to get through the same Masters. He has had a huge influence on my life and despite the long distance now we have not lost touch. I will always consider Wee Steve family and I look forward to welcoming Lauren into our modern family!

Jack Woods

My name is Jack Woods. I am Lauren’s younger brother. I am looking forward to seeing the union between Lauren & Steven and have been anticipating their wedding from the moment I saw how head over heels Lauren was with Stevo. It has been fulfilling to watch the spark between them blossom through their journey up until now. I have seen how they interacted with every joke, flirt, and or story from the scenes. And I am glad to say I do not mind being the background character to this sitcom. There is never a dull moment. There is always a smile when I am out with them, whether I have it or not, someone is sure to. When I am with them on their adventures of everyday life, doing everyday work, there is always a joke from any corner of said “everyday life” scenarios, it is always a carry on, with these two. I want everyone to understand that I love every minute of my time with them and just from that I know that they must love being around each other. I am extremely glad to witness this relationship bloom and be there for not only the wedding reception but also the holy matrimony. Looking forward to officially having Steven as a brother!

Mark Woods

Mark Woods, Lauren’s oldest and best looking brother- Steven, my sister has always talked highly about you, I can see how much she is in love. I appreciate all that you did and all that you are doing to make her happy, it’s not easy :) You have bravely volunteered to rescue us from Lauren and you fit in perfectly with our crazy family. From the time you started dating my sister, I hoped that you would become my big bro, I have learned so much from you and I can honestly say that you are a true blessing to our family. We love and appreciate you, Stevo!

Dylan Woods

My name is Dylan Woods, Laurens younger brother. I remember first meeting Steven and knew immediately that he fit in perfect with our family. From throwing some banter back and forth we got to know each other as friends. It was not until Lauren and Steven had moved to South Buckhout St that Steven had become a regular in my life. It was truly a blessing to have them living right down the street as I was home on college breaks. I always had a little spot down the road where we could hang out, watch sports, grab dinner, and have some laughs. I look forward to much more of this in the forever future and I am very excited to celebrate the wedding of Lauren and Steven!

Ryan Devlin

Lauren is my cousin, but myself and my brothers have always valued her as the sister we never had. When Steven came around, it was a sigh of relief knowing she’d forever be in good hands. I am absolutely honored to be a groomsmen on their most important day. We have had a ton of great times together, and I can’t wait for more to come. Let the good times roll!

Wedding Weekend Itinerary


    Céad Míle Fáilte

    Please join us for a pint and some pub grub to kick off our wedding weekend festivities!


    *Shuttles will be provided to and from Ardara and Lough Eske Castle – please fill out RSVP section below with your accommodation information and whether or not you would like to be included for shuttle!

    Biddy's O'Barnes

    May 27th

    View on Map

    We have arranged transportation for guests to and from the Church, Lough Eske Castle and Harvey’s Point.

    If you are staying at Lough Eske Castle, please be ready in lobby by 11:45am.

    If you are staying at Harvey’s Point, please be ready in lobby by 11:30am.

    If you are staying in Ardara at Nesbitt Arms Boutique Hotel, the church is only a few steps away!

    Please help us get an accurate head count for transportation and a better idea of where you will be staying by RSVPing below and filling in your travel and accommodation plans. We hope to make getting around as easy as possible for our guests and will be providing shuttles for the duration of the weekend!

    Church of the Holy Family

    May 28

    View on Map


    We have arranged transportation for guests to and from the Church and Lough Eske Castle.

    If you are staying in Ardara there will be transportation from Lough Eske Castle back to Ardara after our Wedding Reception.

    Please help us get an accurate head count for transportation and let us know where you will be staying by RSVPing below and filling in your travel and accommodation plans. We hope to make getting around as easy as possible for our guests and will be providing shuttles for the duration of the weekend!

    Lough Eske Castle

    May 28th

    View on Map



    It can be tricky to travel around Donegal’s remote highlights without your own transport, but with this tour, you can take in some of the local beautiful sites of Donegal on a private bus. Our tour guide will share plenty of entertaining stories along the way!

    Sliabh Liag (Slieve League)
    is home to some of the highest sea cliffs in Ireland, almost three times the height of the Cliffs of Moher in Co. Clare. The journey to the top offers exciting breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, Donegal Bay and the Sligo mountains.

    Glengesh Pass
    Leaving Slieve League, the winding Glengesh Pass links Ardara heritage town and Glencolmcille. The scenic valley is dotted with old cottages and farmsteads.

    Assaranca Waterfall
    named Eas a’ Ranca in Irish, is set in idyllic surroundings close to Maghera Beach and is one of the real gems in County Donegal.

    Bus will be picking guests up outside Lough Eske Castle at Noon and outside Nesbitt Arms Hotel at 12:30. Please be sure to RSVP for Bus Tour below so we can get an accurate count of guests!

    Discover Donegal

    May 29th




    Please join us to continue the celebrations in true Irish fashion at Stevens Family Pub for an evening filled with live music, drinks and good banter!

    Shuttles will be provided to and from Lough Eske Castle. If you are staying in Ardara you will be a hop, skip and a jump away from The Corner House. Please let us know in RSVP section below if you will be riding on shuttle!

    The Corner House - Ardara

    May 29th

    View on Map


Donegal, Ireland

Get Busy


Donegal Equestrian Centre

Finner Rd
Finner, Bundoran, Co. Donegal, Ireland

Donegal Equestrian Centre is situated 1 mile from the centre of Bundoran in south Donegal.

The centre offers high quality equestrian experiences catering for all ages and abilities.

The beauty of Ireland’s dramatic north west coastline awaits riders of all abilities. Experienced riders get the opportunity to gallop down Tullan Strand and splash in the cool clear water of the Atlantic Ocean. Remember it’s not called “The Wild Atlantic Way” for nothing! Beginner and novice riders can enjoy a quiet amble in the sand dunes whilst taking in those breathtaking views.

Whether it is the chance to gallop down the beach, improve your riding or have fun at Pony Camp. Rachel and her team will provide you with a memorable enjoyable horse riding experience in a fun, safe and controlled environment.


Slieve League Cliffs

Sliabh League, Cliffs Teelin
Carrick, Co. Donegal

Breathe in the salty sea air and take in the panorama of blue sky and ocean melting together: up here it’s as if you’re walking among the clouds. Look down, and you’ll see the Atlantic Ocean swirling and crashing onto the rocks below. These cliffs are among the highest sea cliffs in Europe, and standing here you’ll feel like you’re at the edge of the world. The name of these cliffs? Why, Slieve League, of course.


Cara Organic Beauty Spa

Lough Eske Castle Hotel
Donegal Town, Co. Donegal

The space to restore body and mind Cara Organic Beauty Spa at Lough Eske Castle Hotel is a 5 star spa resort experience which always has your wellness and well being at heart. If you are searching for pure indulgence and pampering look no further.

A castle spa in the magnificent surrounds of Donegal on the Wild Atlantic Way is surely the dream destination for a romantic break in Donegal! For time out or time together there is no more restful way to restore body and mind.

Check out their Spa services at the link below and be sure to book ahead!


Rossnowlagh Surf School

Co. Donegal, Ireland

Rossnowlagh Surf School is a fun, friendly and professional Surf School nestled quietly in the heavenly bay of Rossnowlagh Co.Donegal, along Ireland’s ‘Wild Atlantic Way’ Rossnowlagh is one of the best places in Europe and maybe even the world to learn to surf! The low – medium sloping beach allows for beautiful rolling waves throughout the year, and with the most spectacular backdrop, it makes for the perfect place to learn to surf!


Eske Angling Centre

Lough Eske Demesne
Donegal Town, Co. Donegal, Ireland

If you are interested in fishing on beautiful Lough Eske, please contact the Eske Angling Centre on (074)9551141 or for more details.



Naran, An Fhearthainn
Co. Donegal, Ireland

Narin & Portnoo is where the ocean, dunes, and linksland combine to create a course that demands to be discovered. This is a special place, where stunning vistas and the magnificence of the ocean come together to create a truly magical golf experience.
Narin & Portnoo is a classic Irish links set on a breathtaking strip of land on the Donegal coast in the north-west of the country. Founded in 1905, in recent years world-renowned design team of Gil Hanse and Jim Wagner have lovingly re-established Narin & Portnoo as one of Ireland’s must-play links.

“I was just blown away by its beauty — the sky, the landscape, the water,” says Wagner.

We anticipate you’ll be equally blown away by the grandeur and jaw-dropping seaside golf Narin & Portnoo offers.

**Tee times book up well in advance so we recommend you call today and book!

Tel: +353 74 954 5107



The best airport to fly into is Dublin.

Dublin Airport is approx. 3 hours to Lough Eske Castle.

* Once you arrive in Dublin, there is a direct flight to Donegal (50 min flight) If you prefer flying over driving or taking the bus check out flight options on Aer Lingus!

Find Flights


Drive from Dublin Airport to Donegal

There are plenty of Rental Car options at Dublin Airport.

For all our American guests, always remember you drive on the left!

Find Rental Car


Bus Eireann departs from Dublin Airport to Donegal Town (Abbey Hotel) several times a day. Lauren & Steven have taken the bus many times and have found it to be super easy and comfortable too!

Find Bus
Other Info

Wish you could teleport to Donegal? Us, too. Here are the next best options.


Please see below for our suggested accommodation options. Click on each option for more information. We recommend calling and reserving your stay as soon as possible!

If you have any trouble getting accommodation, please reach out to the Future Mr. & Mrs. McCahill!

Lough Eske Castle
Lough Eske Castle

Lough Eske Road
Donegal Town, Donegal, Ireland, F94 HX59

Please call the hotel to book!

+353 7497 25100


€245 – Breakfast Included, Additional Discount Price for Multiple Nights


Mention McCahill-Woods Wedding

More Info

If you are interested in booking a house, apartment or B&B in the local area, please contact Stephen McCahill (Steven’s Dad) for a list of available options at the phone number below

+ 353 87 242 4590

Nesbitt Arms Boutique Hotel
Nesbitt Arms Boutique Hotel

The Diamond
Co. Donegal
F94 X0RN

Please click on More Info Link below and input dates of stay to book. Please insert WEDDING MCC in promo code section to receive discount.

You can call the hotel to book as well at phone number below

+ 353 7495 41103


€125 per night


WEDDING MCC – type in promo code!

More Info
Harvey's Point
Harvey's Point

Lough Eske
Donegal Town, Co. Donegal F94 E771 Ireland

Five minute drive from Lough Eske Castle

Please call the hotel to book!

Tel: +353-74-9722208


€245 – Breakfast Included – Based on Availability

More Info


We appreciate you coming from far and wide – many of you traveling across the Atlantic – to celebrate with us in Ireland!

Your attendance means the world to us and is the greatest gift of all! Who really needs a Vitamix, anyhow? (However, in the event you find it necessary, they are available at William Sonoma).

If you feel inclined to add a little shimmer to our otherwise dull china collection, you can browse our `wants’ over here at Bloomingdales. To better dress our guest bedroom, possibly in anticipation of your next stay at our new home, visit Pottery Barn.

You can view all of our registries in the one place by visiting Zola at the link below.

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Enter your email below to send yourself confirmation of your RSVP details.
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